McClintock, Elizabeth & Oliver Konradt (2024). “The Pros and Cons of Working with Only One Side to a Conflict” in Journal for Global Negotiation (2024) 1, pp. 72-81.
Chigas, Johnstone, Kochevar, & McClintock (2022). “Empowering One Health Peacemakers” in Journal of Transdisciplinary Peace Praxis Vol 4 No. 2. London: Frontpage Publications Ltd.
“Peacebuilding and Development Training: What’s Not Working and What We Should Be Doing Instead” by Elizabeth McClintock and Aline Brachet. Journal of Peacebuilding & Development. Sage Journals and Kennesaw State University. 2019.
“Tools For Navigating Change” by Elizabeth McClintock and Moira Kelly. Exploration Learning Case Study. October 2019.
“The Effects of Intragroup Cohesion on Negotiation Processes” by Elizabeth McClintock. The Bridgeway Group. October 2019
“The Guns of Ukranian August” by Arthur Martirosyan. Perspectives on Peace & Security. Carnegie Corporation of New York. September 2014.
“Ten Questions for Elizabeth McClintock” in the New England Association of Conflict Resolution Summer 2009 Newsletter.
“Optimistic in the Obama Era” by Stacy Heen. New England Association of Conflict Resolution Spring 2009 Newsletter.
McClintock, Elizabeth and Terence Nahimana. 2008. “Managing the Tension between Inclusionary and Exclusionary Processes: Building Peace in Burundi” in International Negotiation Vol 13 No 1. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers and Johns Hopkins University.
Wolpe et al. July 2004. “Rebuilding Peace and State in War-torn Burundi” in The Round Table, Vol. 93, No. 375. London: Carfax Publishing.
“The Role of Microcredit in Conflict and Displacement Mitigation: A Case Study in Cameroon” by Stacy Heen. Praxis, The Fletcher Journal of International Development 19 (2004).
“The Culture Question” by Stacy Heen.