
Articles, White Papers & Case Studies

McClintock, Elizabeth & Oliver Konradt (2024). “The Pros and Cons of Working with Only One Side to a Conflict” in Journal for Global Negotiation (2024) 1, pp. 72-81.

Chigas, Johnstone, Kochevar, & McClintock (2022). “Empowering One Health Peacemakers” in Journal of Transdisciplinary Peace Praxis Vol 4 No. 2. London: Frontpage Publications Ltd.

“Peacebuilding and Development Training: What’s Not Working and What We Should Be Doing Instead” by Elizabeth McClintock and Aline Brachet. Journal of Peacebuilding & Development. Sage Journals and Kennesaw State University. 2019.

Tools For Navigating Change” by Elizabeth McClintock and Moira Kelly. Exploration Learning Case Study. October 2019.

The Effects of Intragroup Cohesion on Negotiation Processes” by Elizabeth McClintock. The Bridgeway Group. October 2019

“The Guns of Ukranian August” by Arthur Martirosyan. Perspectives on Peace & Security. Carnegie Corporation of New York. September 2014.

“Ten Questions for Elizabeth McClintock” in the New England Association of Conflict Resolution Summer 2009 Newsletter.

“Optimistic in the Obama Era” by Stacy Heen. New England Association of Conflict Resolution Spring 2009 Newsletter.

McClintock, Elizabeth and Terence Nahimana. 2008. “Managing the Tension between Inclusionary and Exclusionary Processes: Building Peace in Burundi” in International Negotiation Vol 13 No 1. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers and Johns Hopkins University.

Wolpe et al. July 2004. “Rebuilding Peace and State in War-torn Burundi” in The Round Table, Vol. 93, No. 375. London: Carfax Publishing.

“The Role of Microcredit in Conflict and Displacement Mitigation: A Case Study in Cameroon” by Stacy Heen. Praxis, The Fletcher Journal of International Development 19 (2004).

“The Culture Question” by Stacy Heen.

Handbooks and Book Chapters

Fairman, David, Diana Chigas, Elizabeth McClintock, and Nick Drager. Negotiating Public Health in a Globalized World: Global Health Diplomacy in Action. Springer; 2012.

Drager, Nick, Elizabeth McClintock, and Michael Moffitt. 2000. Negotiating Health Development: A Guide for Practitioners. Geneva: The World Health Organization.

Chigas, Fairman, McClintock and Najam. 2007. “Negotiating Across Boundaries: Promoting Health in a Globalized World” in Trade and Health: Seeking Common Ground. Heymann, Drager and Blouin eds. Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press.

Sommers, Marc and Elizabeth McClintock. 2003. “On Hidden Ground” in Imagine Coexistence: Restoring Humanity After Violent Ethnic Conflict. Chayes, Antonia, and Minow, Martha, eds. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.


Navigating Challenging Conversations for EXPLO Elevate, June 12, 2020. The Bridgeway Group offered school leaders a set of conversation tools essential to uncovering others’ underlying perspectives as they navigate challenging conversations.

Conflict Prevention and Resolution Forum: Case Studies in Track II Diplomacy and Conflict. June 23, 2016. SAIS, John Hopkins University. Expert panel discusses the virtues and limits of track two diplomacy (sometimes called “unofficial” or “citizen” diplomacy) – conflict resolution and peacebuilding methodology and its implications for practice.

From Civil Resistance to Peaceful Resolution: Negotiations, Nonviolent Action, and Media in Popular Movements. Panel discussion at U.S. Institute of Peace on Feb. 25, 2016.  Experts in this field of conflict management and negotiations examine the challenges of building and sustaining nonviolent movements, lessons for scholars, activists, policymakers and practitioners.

“Project on Leadership and Building State Capacity: Inclusion of Civil Society Stakeholders in Comprehensive Peace Processes: A Practical Analysis.” At the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, October 19th, 2009. A public policy dialogue hosted by the Wilson Center’s Project on Leadership and Building State Capacity, co-sponsored by American University School of International Service and Institute for Inclusive Security. The event focused on the growing debate on the inclusion of civil society stakeholders in peacebuilding and post-conflict transformation. With Steve McDonald, and Michael Lund of Project on Leadership and Building State Capacity, and panelists Anthony Wanis of American University School of International Service, Carla Kopell of Institute for Inclusive Security and Elizabeth McClintock of The Bridgeway Group.

“Winning the Peace in Burundi and DR Congo: Mediation Principles Based on Our Training Experience” at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, March 4th, 2009. An in-depth analysis of conflict transformation and leadership training, moderated by Africa Program Consulting Program Director of WWICS Steve McDonald, featuring Elizabeth McClintock, managing partner with CMPartners, and Alain Lempereur, Professor at ESSEC Business School in Paris and Singapore.

Evaluations & Reports

Negotiation in Practice: Fieldwork with Agricultural Cooperatives in Rural Morocco. Report produced by the Open Hands Initiative on the work of the Salaam Fellows. (2019)

DRG-LER Tasking N078 Burundi Youth Support Initiatives Assessment – Report (Final). Report authored by Elizabeth McClintock, Marie Pace and Audra Grant. (2018)

Evaluative Learning Review Synthesis Report: USAID/CMM’s People-to-People Reconciliation Fund, Annual Program Statement (APS). Evaluation by Social Impact. Publication produced by Susan Allen, Mathias Kjaer, Kelly Skeith, and Gabrielle Plotkin of Social Impact, with support from David Hunsicker and Rebekah Krimmel of USAID/CMM. It is available through the Development Experience Clearing House ( (2014)

“Evaluation of the Police Armories Project Implemented by Ikibiri” by Nachama Rosen. Sponsored by The Bridgeway Group. (2012)