Affiliated Organizations


Appia-Capacity supports public and private actors in anticipating and resolving social, environmental and political crisis and conflicts in France and internationally. In the area of PREVENTION, Appia-Capacity focuses on Conflict Analysis & Complex Contexts Analysis; Conflict Sensitive Project Design and Management (Do No Harm); and Conflict Sensitive Monitoring and Evaluation (impacts on conflicts). In the area of RESOLUTION, Appia-Capacity works in the fields of Mediation, facilitated negotiation, & dialogue facilitation; Peacebuilding Interventions (DM&E); and Coaching and Coaches Supervision.

Burundi Leadership Training Program

Founded in 2004, the Burundi Leadership Training Program (BLTP) is registered as a local NGO in Burundi. The BLTP specializes in training to strengthen the leadership skills of a wide range of actors, from political party leaders to women, from Army officers to youth. Currently, youth are integrated in one of BLTP’s programs aimed at building responsible citizenship; a program developed under the School for Democracy Project and which trains elected and non-elected community leaders from 8 provinces. In all of its training activities, the BLTP ensures that beneficiaries can create and strengthen the cooperative relationships and mutual trust needed to engage in an inclusive dialogue on issues concerning their parties, national matters, and communal conflict. In doing so, participants experience democratic values ​​such as inclusiveness, respect for differences, freedom of expression and accountability in a multiparty context, all while gaining leadership skills and tools such as negotiation, conflict management and dialogue. BLTP Programs are made possible by (1) the cohesion of its Technical team and a resource allocation strategy that respects the skills of the team and emphasizes inclusiveness, and (2) the judicious management of financial resources provided by various donors (e.g. European Union, UNDP, Cordaid, the NIMD, the Dutch Embassy, UN Women, US State Department).

CMPartners, LLC

The mission of CMPartners is to advance organizational and individual capacity to negotiate and manage conflict and critical relationships.

CMPartners work in close and long-term partnership with their clients, acting as an advisor and trainer on negotiation, conflict management, communication and the management of strategic external and internal relationships. They bring to clients their pragmatic methods, tools and skill sets developed at the Harvard Negotiation Project, affiliated organizations, and many decades of combined experience in training, consulting, advisory and executive coaching practice.

Consensus Building Institute

The Consensus Building Institute (CBI) is a not-for-profit organization created by leading practitioners and theory builders in the fields of negotiation and dispute resolution. CBI works with leaders, advocates, experts, and communities to promote effective negotiations, build consensus, and resolve conflicts.

CBI improves the way that leaders use negotiations to make organizational decisions, achieve agreements, and manage multi-party conflicts and planning efforts. CBI uses proven principles, processes and techniques that improve group decision-making on complex public and organizational issues. Many of these strategies have been developed through the Program on Negotiation and MIT-Harvard Public Disputes Program at Harvard Law School.

The Dickey Center for International Understanding, Dartmouth College

Founded in 1982, the Dickey Center unites the diverse strengths of Dartmouth College—students, faculty, undergraduate and graduate schools—in addressing the world’s challenges. The Dickey Center broadens the scope of learning through advanced study, interdisciplinary collaboration, research innovation, and respect for a diversity of viewpoints. The Center supports research, internships, fellowships and other student-specific programming in the areas of the Arctic and the Environment, Global Health, Global Studies, Gender, Human Development and Security.

Ikibiri Coalition

Ikibiri Coalition is a local Burundian NGO engaged in community development work across the country. The word ikibiri means “working together” and reflects a highly valued tradition of cooperation in Burundian culture.

The objective of Ikibiri Coalition is to assist Burundian communities in achieving their development goals through targeted programs and initiatives, and to reinforce the capacities of government and civil society to lead long-term progress.

Since their creation Ikibiri Coalition developed experience and expertise in the following areas:

  • Community reintegration, targeting returning refugees, IDPs, ex-combatants, and other vulnerable groups in Burundian society.
  • Micro-enterprise development, through the provision of training and assistance to beneficiaries at all stages in the development of their businesses and helping to build capacity in micro-lending institutions.
  • Leadership training in adult leadership education. Members of Ikibiri Coalition possess experience teaching leadership skills to diverse segments of Burundian society, including public authorities and community leaders.
  • Rehabilitation of community infrastructure, such as schools, water points, government offices, peace centers, local markets, and sports fields.
  • Advocacy and lobbying for changes in relations between citizens and the state.

The Ikibiri Coalition team is comprised of highly skilled professionals trained in a variety of disciplines, among them engineering, teaching and training, program design and management, logistics, finance and accounting. A unique feature of their team is that all founding members were employees of PADCO Burundi, and spent five years working together managing highly successful community development projects.

Spectrum Media

Spectrum Media designs multi-media campaigns and public awareness programs that support social, environmental and economic reforms, with experience in 20+ countries around the world. Examples include democracy in Mali, conflict resolution in Jordan and sustainable agriculture in Malawi. Spectrum Media’s portfolio also includes award-winning documentaries and educational films.

Spectrum has produced a significant amount of media at the intersection of conflict resolution education and peacebuilding. For clients such USAID, Harvard University and the World Bank, Spectrum has developed creative solutions to translate complex global issues into resonant human stories that have reached audiences globally.

The United Nations Association of Greater Boston

The United Nations Association of Greater Boston is dedicated to building a strong network of global citizens in the Boston area. They inform, inspire, and mobilize members of the community to engage with critical global issues central to the work and mission of the United Nations.

For 68 years, UNAGB has brought global affairs programs to Boston-area participants. They organize community events from luncheon presentations to networking nights to UN Day celebrations and an international Consuls Ball with local diplomats and leaders.  They inspire the next generation of global leaders through Model UN education program which serve thousands of Boston, Massachusetts and New England school children each year.