Innovative Partnerships
The Dickey Center for International Understanding, Dartmouth College
The Bridgeway Group supports programming at Dartmouth College’s Dickey Center on an ad hoc basis. Executive Director, Liz McClintock currently serves on the Dickey Center Board of Visitors. In addition, Liz participates in fireside career chats for students and has organized and run simulations for the Center’s Great Issue Scholars and Global Health Fellows. The simulations are focused on managing multistakeholder dialogue to effectively address global public health challenges. The informal partnership with the Dickey Center permits the Bridgeway Group to support the emergence of the next generation of global leaders and expand their knowledge of negotiation and conflict resolution frameworks.
Planned Parenthood
At the request of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, the Bridgeway Group devised and delivered a multi-staged program designed to assist State-level Planned Parenthood Affiliates and their partners to more effectively manage internal issues, develop strategies to build more sustainable coalitions in the evolving field of reproductive health, and manage conflict between regional and national offices. Feedback offered by participants underscored the need for a more structured way to approach these challenges, as one person reported, “[we] finally have a framework to process difficult conversations, and develop more awareness and intentionality on how to engage in difficult or challenging conversations”.
United Nations Association of Greater Boston
Since 2016, the Bridgeway Group has partnered with the United Nations Association of Greater Boston (UNAGB) to enhance their Model United Nations (MUN) summer camp curriculum with negotiation skill building activities. Bridgeway Group trainers design and facilitate short lessons in negotiation and conflict management skills, that can be integrated into both the middle and high school MUN curricula. Since 2017, The Bridgeway Group has co-designed and co-led the week-long Advanced Negotiation and Chair Training with UNAGB. This advanced training brings together older students who are passionate about global issues and aspire to be in leadership roles that demand advanced communication skills. Students in both activities respond enthusiastically to the lessons, explaining that negotiation and conflict management skills have relevance to both their academic and personal lives.
The Bridgeway Group and UNAGB are also developing a broader negotiation training program that could be delivered through all curricular and extra-curricular Model UN activities in the schools in which UNAGB operates. This program would include professional development for teachers and open source online resources.